Hlavni velmoci zitra Feb-4-09 na setkani v Nemecku ohledne postupu k zamezeni ziskani atomovych zbrani Iranem.
Jak se podeli? Vyda Rusko Iran k rozbombardovani? Podobne jako Irak? Tezko. Dnes jiz tezko.
Situace ma vsak velmi vazny vyznam pro Izrael.
Iran vypustil svuj prvni, vyzkumny a telekomunikacni satelit, pri prilezitosti 30 let vyroci revoluce, ktera svrhla Usa dosazeneho sacha Pahlavi.
Toto pridava ke starostem Usa ohledne nuklearnich ambici Iranu, ale americky cinitel dodava, ze tento satelit strategickou rovnovahu neporusi.
Tato satelitni technologie muze byt vyuzita pro vyrobu dalekonosnych balistickych strel.
Pentagon sdeluje, ze Iran predstavuje skutecnou a rostouci hrozbu, a to jak pro Usa, tak pro Evropu a i cely svet.
U.S. expresses concern as Iran launches satellite
Iran said it had launched into orbit for the first time a domestically made Omid (Hope) research and telecommunications satellite.
The launch was timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution that ousted the U.S.-backed Shah.
This added new fuel to U.S. concerns over its nuclear ambitions, but a security official said the move did not by itself alter the strategic balance.
This development today is cause for concern not just here in the United States but in Europe, throughout the Middle East and I believe throughout the greater world," Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell told reporters.
"They (Iran) pose a real threat and it is a growing threat."Iran's satellite technology may also be used in the development of ballistic missiles, the U.S. Defense Department said. Such missiles could be used to deliver nuclear weapons over large distances.
Iran’s Satellite Launch Is Challenge for ObamaN.Korea preparing for ballistic missile launch: report - Kyrgyzstan to close key U.S. military base
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